E-Kram Yoga (Evolved Bikram) with Chadd

E-Kram Yoga (Evolved Bikram) with Chadd

Theme: "You Go Girl!"
This 75 minute take on the original hot yoga sequence shifts the perspective a wee bit with alternative cue-ing and modifications that allow for new discoveries and new insights into your body and the practice.

E-Kram Yoga (Evolved Bikram) with Chadd
  • Livestream E-Kram (Evolved Bikram) 75 with Chadd

    This E-Kram (Evolved Bikram) class was streamed live on 4/6/2020 with Chadd in the driver's seat.

    If your body has a difficult time with the original Bikram series then give this class a try. The emphasis is on muscular support rather than forcing your body into positions it cannot do. This is...